Nail Trim & Micro-chip ClinicsThese clinics take place every other month. See below for upcoming clinics at the Grey Bruce Animal Shelter. Drop in only - appointment needed. Cash or Debit only. Correct change would be most appreciated. Cat nail trim - $10 Dog nail trim - $15 Micro-chip - $20 Next Clinic: None currently scheduled WildlifeWhat To Do About Injured Wildlife or Pest Removal If there is an emergency situation involving wildlife in our area (ie. Rabies, distemper, hit by car, life threatening injuries to the animal or is threatening humans) please call the OPP or local police. · OwenSound Police – ????? · Meaford: OPP Grey County – (519) 794-7827 · Hanover: OPP Bruce County – ???? THE Grey Bruce Animal Shelter DOES NOT DEAL WITH WILDLIFE. If you have found injured wildlife, please leave it in the location it was found and consider the following information: Contact a wildlife rehabilitation centre in your area. For a full listing of Wildlife Centres visit: For more information on resources and rules visit: If you are requiring help to transport wildlife to a Wildlife Centre, you can try calling a pest control service in the area. Rescuing Injured or Abandoned Wildlife in Ontario Ontario Wildlife Rescue Ontario Wildlife Rescue Facebook Page Wildlife Rescue & Removal in Collingwood (list of contacts and resources) mytravelexpert- intl4&utm_source=g&utm_medium=gcpc&ct=10015&campaignid=9394113320&agid=95763924912&ad id=445254269914&kwid=kwd-16854513&gclid=CjwKCAjwtIaVBhBkEiwAsr7- c5tlDfw0n_BudCUfa2o6tIrCtqrz5JSNjh59Q2a4xsET73kXNdC5CBoCbRcQAvD_BwE&qo=semQuery&ad=se mA&ag=fw4&an=google_s Find a Wildlife Rehabilitator What To Do if You Find Orphaned Wildlife Where to Get Help for Sick or Injured Wildlife in the GTA animal/wildlife-rehabilitator/ Wildlife Tips for Beginners 24 Hour Wildlife Rescue GqzM7zjcSBgl- Q:1654781523487&q=24+hour+Wildlife+Rescue+near+me&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUl43HvaD4AhXUAJ0JH YJ0BwsQ1QJ6BAgqEAE&biw=1366&bih=625& GqzM7zjcSBgl- Q:1654781523487&q=24+hour+Wildlife+Rescue+near+me&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUl43HvaD4AhXUAJ0JH YJ0BwsQ1QJ6BAgqEAE&biw=1366&bih=625&dpr=1 Community Connection: Reporting Sick, Orphaned or Injured Wild Animals What To Do if You Find an Injured Adult or Baby Bird |
Lost and FoundThere are social media lost and found pages for Grey and Bruce counties.
If you have lost a pet or found a pet, the local lost and found postings are good to check. Additionally there are other resources. Found A Cat?
Feral Cats Community Cats are defined as feral, unowned cats who are not candidates for adoption. Feral or Community Cats are cats who are not owned and are not sufficiently socialized to humans to be candidates for adoption. They are the end result of owned pets who were not spayed or neutered, and then escaped or were allowed to roam. Community cats tend to gather together where they form “colonies”. The growth in the number and size of these colonies is due to unrestrained reproduction, which produces litters of kittens for whom homes cannot be found, and who can’t be accommodated in already overcrowded animal shelters. see for available local assistance in vaccinating and spaying/neutering cats. Grey Bruce Animal Shelter can lend live traps for taking the cats to be vaccinated and fixed. Please call 519-372-1911 for more information or to reserve a trap. Lost or Found A Dog? If you have Lost or found a dog, contact the appropriate municipality: Owen Sound and Georgian Bluffs The Clerks office administers the animal control contract for Georgian Bluffs with Owen Sound Animal Shelter for the control of dogs. If you have lost a dog or want to report a dog running at large: Contact Information for the Animal Shelter: Renee or Todd Robbins Owen Sound/Georgian Bluffs Animal Control 2125 18th Avenue East Owen Sound, ON N4K 1W8 Phone: 519-372-1123 Pager: 519-373-5721 (after 10pm emergencies only please) Email [email protected] Municipality of Meaford Please contact the Municipality of Meaford By-Law / Animal Control at 519-538-1060 ext 1134. All stray dogs or dogs at large found in the Municipality of Meaford must be surrendered to a By-Law officer. GTHS provides the pound services for the Municipality of Meaford. Town of the Blue Mountains Please contact Town of the Blue Mountains By-Law / Animal Control at 519-599-3131 ext. 256. Township of Chatsworth/Elderslie To report a dog or livestock running at large or if you have lost a dog, please contact our Animal Control Officer, at 519-373-1000. Saugeen Shores If your dog or cat goes missing or you have a concern about a dog running at large, you can call Animal Control at 519-832-3470 and the Southampton Pet Hospital at 519-797-2960. Dogs and cats picked up by Animal Control are taken to the Southampton Pet Hospital. Hanover If your pet is lost or you think your pet may have been impounded, contact: Animal Control Officers 204-371-5859 or [email protected] (Calls are monitored seven days a week) |